What is Hooligan? The phenomenon of overzealous football fans

What is Hooligan? This is no longer a new term for those who love sports in general and soccer in particular. This term refers to violence, hysteria, etc., which greatly affects the football match and the surrounding objects and events. Join BWINPH to explore this term and its consequences below.

What is Hooligan?

What is Hooligan?

What is Hooligan in football? This is a term used to describe people and groups of people who commit acts of sabotaging the match. They will commit illegal and ethical acts, affecting the safety of the match and the fans and other people around them.

When you register to play soccer betting and watch live matches, you can see fans of the team passionately cheering for your favorite team. Sometimes, some unnecessary actions occur, showing extreme excitement such as scuffles, screaming, vandalism of facilities, etc.

This group of “thugs” exists in many parts of the world, especially appearing when there are football teams with a large number of fans and “fighting blood”. Even in the Philippines, there have been some tragic incidents. Matches, players, and organizers have encountered many obstacles caused by these people. Some matches even had to be paused midway due to Hooligan’s overzealousness.

What is the origin of hooligan?

What is the origin of hooligan?

Through learning what the Hooligan group is, we can see that this is a group of people who have bad actions, significantly affecting the matches. So when did these people start being named Hooligan? In England in the 14th century, this concept was called, at that time there were many amateur matches with many fights between fans of the two teams.

The peak of the tragedy caused by football hooligans was the “Heysel tragedy” in 1985. At that time, it was the confrontation between Liverpool and Juventus, a group of English people who were Liverpool fans attacked the fans. your team’s grave. They not only use words but also use weapons such as bottles, sticks, and even knives.

After the riot that shocked football history, 39 people died and 376 people were injured. To this day, this situation still cannot end, the English Football Federation has had to face many incidents caused by Hooligans. This situation also occurs in many parts of the world, even in the Philippines.

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Hooligan’s serious consequences for football

Hooligan's serious consequences for football

After learning what Hooliganism is and the origin of this concept, we can see that this is an extremely painful problem in football. It has caused many negative consequences that no one wanted.

Threatens human life

One of the most tragic consequences that Hooligan causes is the threat to human life. Some typical cases of Hooligan include:

  • The Heysel disaster mentioned above-left hundreds injured and 39 fans among them killed.
  • The Hillsborough disaster took place in 1986 with 96 Liverpool fans losing their lives.
  • In Vietnam, a female fan was seriously injured by illegally setting off fireworks at a 2019 match.
  • Chaos in Egypt left 74 people dead in 2012.

The problem of racial discrimination in football

Hooliganism is considered the cause of increased racial discrimination. Maybe it started from a small group but has gradually increased with the crowd effect, not only fans but also black players are despised. R. Sterling was once discriminated against by Chelsea fans because his skin color was different from the majority. Superstar Neymar, with his outstanding talent, could not escape being insulted.

What are the consequences of Hooligan? Reduces sports spirit

It can be seen through the media coverage of Hooligan, and the enthusiastic fans during the match. Will receive a lot of criticism not only from the music industry but also from outsiders. It can be seen that this is the biggest consequence, causing a loss of sportsmanship.

Football is considered a place where the rule of law is respected, even wars must temporarily cease to organize matches. This is a playground where every individual is treated equally, but Hooligan did the opposite. This harmful behavior to the community even causes the team whose fans are aggressive to be punished by FIFA. Even leaving a “stain” in the team’s history that is difficult to erase.


From the sharing in the article, surely you have a better understanding of what the concept of Hooligan is. These are condemnable acts that can have extremely serious consequences. Therefore, those who are passionate about soccer need to be equipped with knowledge and good awareness so as not to commit regrettable extreme actions.

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